First off, guys...let me say that this still feels like a dream. It's unreal, and to say I'm stoked is a grevious understatement.
Thanks to those who offered to butcher him, and I would have taken you guys up on it, but I wanted him processed as quick as could be. There's a gentleman down the road from where it was taken who'll do it, so I figured that fit the bill.
Alright, I think of all the people who need to be thanked, Adkmountainken is right up there. For two years, this man has taken me under his wing. No, more than that, he opened up his stands and little piece of hunting heaven to me.
Now, I'm sure he'll say that it's public land, but no. No, the way that man is tied to it, that's his property up there. At least in my opinion. So Ken, my hat is off to you man. This thread wouldn't be up, nor my deer down, if it weren't for you. Thank you, bro.
To all of you here at TradGang; from Terry to the moderators (Dave, you've taken my shooting up a notch), to everyone one else here. Guys, I've been on TradGang since I was fifteen, and it's always been there. So, to everyone; every last one, I thank you. None of this would have happened without the 'Gang. So thank you, TradGang members, and thank you TradGang...
Aside from the Medicine Stand in the fall, it's my favorite place to be...