I leave you rapscallions to your own devices for a week or three, and look what ya go and do!
Chris, your story kept me glued to this time-suckin' machine for a good hour. I was right with you every crunch of the leaves. You did yourself proud, and I am sure that Ken is needing a bigger hat as well. The giving that has come from the both of you has brought a glow to my sometimes jaded heart, renews my faith in the spirit of Man.
I know that you are walking on air, as are the friends and family who have helped you to receive that magic gift of inclusion that comes from the universe, in the form of a deer.
Believe me now, when I say that you, in your part, have given the rest of us a glimpse of our own beginnings, fresh and new. Most folks want to know that what we do is worthwhile, and no stronger reinforcement of that exists than to see someone catch sight of it, love it, grab it and make it his own.
Thanks, buddy, for the gift of the story well told, for the honorable hunt, for the friendship. Proud to be in your company.