Nothing too terribly personal here and Leonard Lee Rue are over 100% wrong on this topic. Remember he is a photographer and business man.
I wasn't going to mention this but I am a wildlife biologist and have managed whitetail deer for a few years now. I have plenty of harvest data personally to prove my point, not to mention countless other studies.
Deer genetics is an extremely minor issue when growing good antlered bucks.
How many deer have you seen with real abnormalities? If there was any kind of problem with inferior genes running through a deer herd there would be real abnormalities with the skeletal system, reproductive system, etc.
100% of the 120+ hunting properties that I have managed saw the exact same result. That result was..
when they stopped harvesting yearling bucks (spikes, cowhorns, small 4's, etc.) they began seeing more and more 2.5 year old bucks, then began harvesting more and more 3.5 year old bucks. The reason they didn't see many decent antlered bucks before was because they weren't there. The bucks were being harvested as soon as they got 1 point on there head which was their first year. After three years of passing yearling bucks the buck age structure was where it needed to be to consistently grow and harvest good antlered deer.
Typically in a given summer, deer are born in a span of several months. The first three months are critical. The early born fawns will have more time to get primo nutrion before winter. Those are your 6-8 point bucks the next year. The later born fawns will have less nutrition available before winter thus producing smaller antlers their first year.
However they tend to equal out in their 2nd and 3rd year.
Does are bred anywhere from November to April. This is dependant on how well the herd has been managed.
As mentioned on another forum, if young bucks are consistently passed up and there is a significant annual doe harvest the breeding will be done in 30 days. It will be a wham bam thank ya mam Buckarama.
That will allow for fawns to be born early and have good antlers 1.5 years later.