According to the manager of the NWR where I usually hunt, the seasons and the specified weapons for that season are fixed. Archery season begins October 1st and ends Nov 13th. During primitive weapon season either muzzleloader or archery equipment can be used. During gun season only guns may be used. During the special hog hunt days on the schedule you can hunt with any weapon approved for the other seasons based on your choice. It is illegal on this NWR to hunt squirrel or rabbit with archery equipment. During spring turkey season either shotgun or archery can be used. I'm not sure what the reasoning is for these rules other than the manager stated that the seasons are strictly what they are and the weapon approved for each season is clearly established. With the state operated WMA system they are more liberal in allowing archery during gun season. However, when using the WMA system be sure and have the regulations for that WMA straight or you might receive a citation and court date. On the local NWR I have heard, hearsay only, that the gun hunters were complaining about bowhunters in the woods during gun season. Their logic is simple, if I can't hunt with my gun during archery season, then why should you be allowed to hunt with bow and arrow during gun season?