Regardless of what you shoot, over the years it seems to me that the biggest error archers make, trad archers in particular, is that they fail to tune their equipment correctly. You can have the best foam core limbs, ILf riser, tricked out to the limit, but if your arrows are not tuned to the bow or vice versa, you don't practice enough, can't identify and correct shooting problems you have, you are not going to shoot well or at least consistently well. Over time products, materials and designs will evolve. If foam turns out to be a flash in the pan then it will be just that. There was a lot, a whole lot of flap over aluminum shafts when they first were talked about being used as hunting arrows. Same thing happened with fiberglass and then carbon arrows. Take a look around. Lots of things have changed since I got my first bow in 1951. But the basics still apply. Arrows and bows must be tuned to each other and the archer needs to use good form. Everything else is a personal choice.