Is this a natural blind or what?You can see the back of my shooting chair.I also had a big shooting lane to the left of that limb with the cedars around it.But I couldn't see anything to my hard right sitting in the chair through that cedar with the big tree behind it.I was parked there at daylight.It was hard not to go back to my tree but this set up just looked to good and felt right.At 7:30am I was thinking of clipping a couple limbs off that cedar to my hard right to give me a shooting port when all of a sudden a doe came right at me out of nowhere from about the direction the pic was taken.She had her mouth open and I was sure mister big would soon follow.But nothing!Then I spotted a spike to my hard left he came in feeding stared down the field and left kinda spooked.I had the wind right in my face so I was confident he spotted a larger buck.Finally!Down by my tree stand I spot what I'm pretty sure is the same 10 point.He didn't look quite as impressive but it was the same horns I'm thinking as I watch him go back into the creek bottom.Well,maby I should have went to the tree stand

How do they know these things.The creek bed does eventually circle back to my location and if he stays in it he might hit the doe trail.I'm thinking!Several minuts went by when I look straight out to see a ten point coming straight in.

He was right dead center in the pic just left of the cedar right of the big tree as far as you can see coming right for me.