Michael,thank you for your kind words and support !!!I really enjoyed building your bow.It will be ready to pick up sometime next week and mean while,I`ll send more pictures as it gets completed. Thanks again !!!
Keefer,I could`nt agree with you more.I thank GOD every day for all his wonderfull blessings that he continues to give me every day.
It truly is Magic to me also to build and create these beautiful bows all the time asking GOD,how can I make these better.I look at the completed bows and think there`s no way,but building these things is a continuous refining of ideas and methods that is just simply has to be directed by GOD.
I truely hate to send some of these bows out to my clients being selfish and wanting to keep them here to just admire and maybe show someone that happens to come by for a visit.
I`m sorry to run on too much about this calling of mine ,but I see treads from time to time about the cost of ,or how long it takes to build this bow ,or that bow and I`ve really got to say that for me ,it`s definately not about the money.The ugly reality is that we all have to have it to get along in this world and I know that there`s been lots of other jobs that could have made me lots more of the green stuff,but my wife and I have really enjoyed and embraced this bow building buisness for going on 18 years now.
Thanks again,Tim------Acadian Woods