You aren't allowed to hunt deer in Mass with a dog. However you can go for a walk in the woods with your dog on lease. You want to track on a long slick climbing rope about 20 feet that they pull behind them. When Tilly is really on a hot trail, she'll be pulling pretty good. I'm constantly dropping the rope to get around dead falls etc. The length gives you time to hurry around to the other side and step on the rope. At night when I do most of my tracking (seems like most deer are hit near dark), I attach a clip on LED to Tilly's collar.
My wife and I tracked a buck last week around 10pm. This was the first time Molly has ever been in the woods with me. She loved it even in the DARK! I guess the puppies made her curious as to what the big deal was to tramp around in the dark woods
She was amazed how quickly Tilly followed the trail. Tilly even figured out a spot where the buck back tracked his own trail and jumped off to the side.
I always thought I was a good tracker being that my cousin & I were the only ones in our family that were NOT color blind. But Tilly can track ten times further than I can. The beauty in a good tracking dog really shines when you DON'T recover an animal! Because they follow it so far, you can determine the extent of the injury, know how strong they are, see if they even lay down, and most important know that you didn't give up too early...Doc