Well Thanks Steve, at least you answered the question 8^). Our opinions differ, of course, but that's pretty natural. You see, it would make plenty of sense to me to delete the human, who only contributed by killing the animal.
I've seen too many high-profile "hunters(?)" who later were found to be skanky, dishonest, poachers who rode the antler game to elevate themselves to the masses of hero worshipers waiting to hear their stories. It's still happening quite regularly as recently discussed on another forum.
The Pope and Young Club is a good one and does a lot of good through education, etc. The book itself has become a format for egos who sit three feet behind the deer and push the antlers closer to the camera to make them look even bigger. It's a step to become famous in someones mind, whether or not it's deserved. And, the book itself, has outlived it's intended purpose: to show bowhunting as a viable sport that is both effective and appropriate in the hunting genre.
If anyone decries the books purpose, the supporters will quickly jump on them as "envious" or "jealous", or some other sort of poo-poo'er who is probably just an incompetent hunter who can't kill nice bucks. Schoolyard, bullying tactics used when one can't come up with an "intelligent" argument.
But your answer was what I was expecting. The hunt for big antlers is led by egos, and it will continue to bring about the incessent search for the biggest rack at whatever cost, and it's not to honor a species that has long since been ostensibly honored into oblivion.