I was once the prez of P&Y and currently have the same job in Compton Traditional Bowhunters, so, as you can imagine I believe in those organizations. We created the Compton system of measuring an accomplishment to reflect the traditional bowhunters mentality, which is HOW you did it, not just the animal. Take a moment and look at how Compton does it. We record everything that was involved in that hunt..the bow, the bow weight, the arrow and its material, the broadhead, hunting on ground..from a tree, etc, guided/unguided, etc. About the only thing you don't know about that hunt is what the bowhunter ate for breakfast that morning. AND, the score is a combination of the animal...which has no deductions for symmetry...and the equipment used and the way it was hunted. It's an archive of traditional accomplishment, recognizing both the animal and the method. Some will always reject any approach to their idea of trophy hunting, and that's okay, but I love to see good animals taken by a traditionalist and know totally how he did it. My opinion...gfa