While reading a "newly" acquired book by one of our very own, right here on Trad Gang. I was inspired to post this topic.
According to the author, there are basically three types of predator style hunters. They are,
1. Canine
2. Feline
3. Raptor
There can be at least a little bit of each of these in each one of us, but basically.....we fall into one or the other.
I have thought for years that people are influenced by whomever taught them the ropes of hunting, but the final decision as to what we are, is a choice that we make alone. While agreeing completely with the author, I had never quite looked at it in the light that he presented it in.
I will start.........
For me, I am primarily a Raptor. I am a sitter, I will carefully select my location to lay in wait.......stalk (feline) my way into it, then sit......and sit.......just waiting for something to come within the range that I am confident in making my strike from.
I am very much like a cat on my way to my stand, I move very slowly, cautiously, observing everything that is in both my path and surroundings. Every move has a purpose, a destination is my goal.
Upon arriving at my chosen "ambush" point, I situate my self in as comfortable of a position as I can. I immediately survey my surroundings, and determine what my "strike range" is. Then I wait, silently......with a purpose for my being exactly where I am, and an already determined goal in my heart.
As is true to my internet name on this and several other forums.......I am a Raptor, through and through.
What type of a hunter are you ???