Thanks everyone.This deer is pretty special to me.Not because of the size of his rack.That dosent hurt any. :D The main reason he is so special is because of where he came from.Like I said this farm has been in our family since 1919 when it was bought by my great grandfather.This is actualy the first deer I have ever killed on this farm.I use to hunt it alot when I was a kid.I would get up every sat. and walk out back to hunt deer.I guess hunting is not a good description.Spooking the few deer I actualy seen would be a better description.At that time there was not many deer around, and just seeing a deer track was something to talk about.There was a steep learning curve since no one in my family knew much about deer hunting.Still to this day Tracy and I are the only bow hunters.Between my lack of experience and only seeing a deer or two all season.I soon found greener pastures to hunt.It has just been the last few years that I have started deer hunting here again.We always just rabbit and squirrel hunt here.The small woods next to where I shot the deer, is only about 50 yards from where the house stood that I grew up in.The house is no longer there.