Just sent the funds for a bow in the classifieds here, and looking at what arrows I will try. Wonder if anyone here has any advice on that?
It is a Predator 60" 58#@28, I assume it has the fast flight string that they come with, and I draw 28, and shoot 3 under with a tab.
In my old bow (K-Mag 52" 55#@28), I am using 2016's, 30 inch, with 100gr inserts and 125 gr tips. 3 fletch, left wing, 5inch shield cut. I got some help here getting to that, and it seems to be a good fit.
The seller of the new bow was using Carbon Express Terminator 6075 cut to 29 1/2 with 225gr up front, and he draws 27 1/2 and shoots 3 under. So he is not too far from me in weight and draw. I guess I could use the same arrows or match them in spine in another carbon arrow, must be about a 400 or 340? Or what?
Do a lot of you find carbon better for weighting/FOC? I have not shot much with carbon, just a few given to me. I guess I drift to the aluminum, because it is cheap and I can cut it and work up the bare shafts easily with a tubing cutter and my fletcher.
If I want to stay with aluminum, what do you guys think for a shaft? I will stick with 225gr up front in some fashion, either with inserts or heavier points. I ask because it seems like the Easton charts get a lot of comentary in earlier posts here, with many people saying to go down a spine or two for traditional gear.
Anybody else shooting this bow or one very close to its specs, and using aluminum? What do you like?
I always appreciate the shared knowledge I find here. Thanks!