I was hunting last night and had several deer within 70 yards of me right before dusk. I had already passed on a 6 point and a couple of does, and I was thinking that I would soon be sitting in my stand well after dark until these deer cleared out of the area. Just before dark a doe scampered out of the briar patch and looked behind her. A smallish 8 point and a large 9 (It was getting late and I only know it was a 9 because I've seen it before) followed, grunting up a storm. The doe stepped off and the 8 point followed, then turned around for some reason, stopping behind a couple of large maple trees. The large 9 point then went toward the the smaller buck and they hung up behind the tree for what seemed like forever, but was probably only a couple of minutes. Daylight was nearly gone and I was ready when the buck come out from behind the tree going the same direction that the 9 was going. It was around 10 yards out and I was pretty high up in the tree. With the quartering away angle I hit a little back and high, and deer went scattering. I heard a crash around 50 yards to my left, but no leg kicking or anything like that. It was dark now, and since I hit a little far back I decided to back out til later.
I got up at 3 am and took the lantern out. I found the arrow and started to trail the deer. It was a pretty sparse blood trail, with a spatter every 5 yards or so. About 50 yards I found my deer, probably where I heard the crash the previous night. I gotta tell you I was more than a little disappointed when I saw it was the 8-point. Oh well, it'll probably taste good. It was a pass through shot and I've included pics of the entry and exit wounds. The arrow took out both lungs, a small piece of liver, the big vessels on top of the heart and none of the bowel(thankfully). I can't believe the blood trail was so poor. I was trying out the G5 montec broadheads, using beeman mfx clasic 400 shafts with a 75 grain brass insert out of my RER vortex longbow. I've got to think it was the small montec blades. I'm going to just use them for squirrel hunting from now on. The lantern did a great job, though. Other than a nice burn on the inside of my forearm. Funny how things that run on propane get hot. Why didn't I think of that?

Looking a little wet after being dragged through a swamp and across a creek.