I hunted in Michigan before hunter orange laws; and after; and while I am sure some people didn't get shot because of hunter orange; some of the cases I saw when people did - orange did not help them.
For instance: one guy climbed to the top of a huge oak tree; so that he could ( as he told his friends) see where the deer were moving.
He was shot from his lofty lookout by a guy who saw the movement; and figured he had found where the deer were hiding.
You cannot fix stupid. You cannot fix stupid with an orange vest.
I hated gun season ( you can use your bow in gun season there) because the woods looked like a pumpkin patch; and it just looked like a bunch of people that had their mothers permission to hunt as long as they wore a bright color. Kind of like with BB guns : " you'll shoot your eye out!" unless you wear orange of course!
I dread the day when someone comes to the 'logical conclusion' that we need orange in bow season. It will be due to one person doing something outrageously stupid. Just like with gun hunting.
And I think Nail Nailed it again- it makes hunters easier to spot for fish and game officers.
Perhaps in these modern times a flashing light on our heads; and gps monitors on all hunters would really make the woods safe. [sic]
I personally have found I am better off wearing camo and hiding from other hunters; than wearing orange and being the target of 'hunters' tired of not getting a shot at something. And that happens.
Deer were once trained to eat out of an orange bucket among other different color buckets; even when the order of them was changed around. There may have been a flaw in that study- but deer do see some colors; and certainly if your glowing with ultra violet - they will see you. But too: deer WILL sneak by hunters in orange or not- or walk by hunters hoping they won't be spotted themselves.
I am sticking to stick season - I hate orange baby sitting suits.