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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?  (Read 3811 times)

Offline Don Stokes

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2009, 04:00:00 PM »
When my Pearson recurve and my compound burned up in a house fire, I bought a longbow. Why? Because I had learned that in the thick woods that I normally hunt, shots are rarely over 20 yards, and I knew that I could hit the kill zone consistently without the wheels at that range. During my compound years I missed as many as I do with traditional gear. I've taken a few long shots successfully, but I'm much more concerned about wounding on any shot over 20 yards, regardless of bow type. Too much can happen while the arrow is on its way to the target. Deer don't stand still for long, unless you're really lucky.
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Offline woodchucker

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2009, 04:21:00 PM »
One thing I have noticed here on TradGang is that our members here who are "on the fence" between traditional and compound bows is that they seem to assume that if they "could have hit him with my compound" they would have automaticaly recovered the deer.

As David said,recovery rates on game are the same with all weapons,but I think that penetration/broadhead failures are as common with compounds as misses are with traditional bows.(i.e.# of arrow failures vs # of trad misses) Every time I miss a deer,I thank the Great One that it was a clean miss,and the deer left unscathed..... The fence sitters think,"I should have used my compound". I believe this is part of the transition to traditional archery and will pass with time and experiance.

Just my thoughts.....
I only shoot WOOD arrows... My kid makes them, fast as I can break them!

There is a fine line between Hunting, & Sitting there looking Stupid...

May The Great Spirit Guide Your Arrows..... Happy Hunting!!!

Offline griz#1

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2009, 04:29:00 PM »
yes, I think it's because people get in too big of a hurry to shoot, not picking a spot instead of a whole deer and allowing for the drop.
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Offline AdamH

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2009, 05:30:00 PM »
But Of course we do ....

Offline Jason R. Wesbrock

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2009, 05:34:00 PM »
Originally posted by vermonster13:
Guys who say I would have got it with my compound, usually haven't been with the Trad bow very long and many times aren't ready to be out there with a Trad bow anyways.  
Compounds offer certain advantages over traditional bows, and traditional bows offer certain advantages over compounds. I don’t think acknowledging that fact is an indicator of whether or not someone is ready to hunt with a traditional bow.    ;)

Offline SteveB

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2009, 06:23:00 PM »
For some reason, many consider missing to be ok and just part trad hunting. I refuse to accept it - it eats me up when it happens and I want to know why. I also find it strange how many seem to go from missing several direct to a kill - doesn't make since for obvious reasons.

Offline jcar315

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2009, 06:24:00 PM »
Yes, and that level of "challenge" is why I love traditional archery.

I agree with a few of the previous posts that wheel bows can be like shooting a "gun"

I also don't understand some of the posts that allude to the "if I was shooting my wheel bow I would have gotten him" kind of story.

I absolutely love the challenge of trad archery and while I do practice every day when a deer is right there anything can and does happen. Misses happen. Not happy about it but I also realize that is part of the process and reminds me why I hunt....for the HUNT.
Proud Dad to two awesome Kids and a very passionate pig hunter.

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Offline The Night Stalker

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2009, 06:30:00 PM »
I missed a doe out of a ground blind a couple weeks ago. Before that, I do not remember when I missed the last deer I shot at. I shot a bunch over the years. Once they get into my effective 30yd range and I am up 20 ft  in a tree, it just happens. I missed more with a compound when I was a teenager before I switch back to traditional in the 80"s. I think the traditional bow is much easier to shoot.
I also have to say, I went Elk hunting a few years and shooting across that ground was a different story so I went home empty handed. I still think it is about how close you can get as opposed to how far a shot you can take.
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Offline lpcjon2

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2009, 06:32:00 PM »
Hey we don't miss we just practice at odd times.
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Offline Tsalagi

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2009, 06:34:00 PM »
Wel, let's see...traditional archery has been around at least 10,000 years give or take a few thousand. Compounds have been around, what 50 years? I don't know; I never read much about compounds and never shot one. Anyway, if traditional bows had a huge "miss" rate, I think a lot of people would have starved to death. Maybe the entire human race would have died out---who knows? The weapon certainly wouldn't have been kept if it was inaccurate and didn't work.

Let's not forget something else. A lot of wars and battles were won with traditional bows. In many battles, longbows went up against crossbows which were theoretically more accurate and the longbow-armed side won.

Yeah, maybe compounds might be more accurate. But until it's been more accurate for another 9,950 years, one can't say it's better than traditional bows.   :archer:
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Offline Skipmaster1

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #30 on: November 23, 2009, 06:42:00 PM »
I missed some shots this year that I would have made with my compound. this is my first year of shooting only trad gear and it's been full of ups and downs. i feel very confident with my set up out to 20yds and my few misses were well under that. Mostly I just rushed and didn't pick a spot to concentrate on. I think the compound has advantages over trad gear. when i shot, I had an anchor point, string on my nose, kisser in the corner of my mouth and looking at a sight through a peep. You pretty much HAD to be doing everything the same. with trad you really just have your anchor and sight picture. with a sight I just had to place the pin in the crease without really picking a hair. i could draw well before deer came into range, easily holding for a minute or 2, so i was much less likely to get "picked off". i also didn't have to wait for the perfect angle with the modern, highly efficient 85# comound i was shooting. i could take quartering toward shots, not to mention shots at 50 or more yds was no problem as long as the deer was standing and calm.

I see very little "advantage" to trad bows, other than being able to get a shot off quicker.

That being said, i missed quite a few deer when i first started with the compound, even though i was shooting great, so i figure starting with trad is very similar. I am getting more and more confident and calmer with every deer I take with trad gear. i figure in the next season or 2 i will be shoting just as well as my compound, within each weapons effective range. it's a steep learning curve and the only way to actually learn is to get out there and hunt(assuming you are shooting well enough on targets)

I hope that by sticking with my trad gear from now on, I won't have any "if i had my compound" stories next season.

Offline Gary Logsdon

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #31 on: November 23, 2009, 06:43:00 PM »
Personally I tend to either smoke them where they stand or when my shot's off it clears the entire animal with room to spare.  I know the reason why; it's all about concentration, AKA: picking a spot.  Luckily, I rarely have this happen since I limit my shots to CLOSE range where I can see specific features, hairs, etc. on the animal to focus on.   Here's something for you, I helped guide spring bowhunting bear hunters for over 14 years.  During that time I tried to keep stats on who did what with which type of bow.  Stickbow shooters simply shot better (more one arrow quick kills), and had less misses and wounding on bears than compound shooters.  Perhaps it was the shorter shot distances at bait sites, patience, shooting in low light, etc. - I'm not completely sure, however I witnessed the results.
Gary Logsdon

Offline James Wrenn

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #32 on: November 23, 2009, 06:43:00 PM »
There can be lots of misses with any weapon.It allways comes back to the one pulling the string and his ability and good judgement or lack of it.On the shot distances most of us take while hunting yes there will be far more misses and wounds if distances were keep the same than for any bow using sight pins and release.Equipment has nothing to do with misses.Operator error is the culprit and always will be since any weapon is capable of doing the job if we do ours.I have never hunted with anything and wished because of the outcome I had carried something different.If I had wanted to hunt with a different bow I would have carried it in the first place.jmo
....Quality deer management means shooting them before they get tough....

Offline maineac

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #33 on: November 23, 2009, 06:44:00 PM »
I think there are two big factors (aside from using a rangefinder and having pins)in the missing of game.  One is a bit of doubt in the archers ability.  Most of us practice a lot, but often go through a bad day or week or more of shooting.  When that animal is right in front of you I think sometimes there is that memory of the "bad spell", which can actually make the mind miss, rather than be a little off and wound the deer.  I know this happened to me once.  Also a live moving deer is different than targets or even foam, so I think we sometimes mis-judge distance, which can cause a miss.  That said I would rather shoot my recurve accurately at the 20 and under distance than my buddy who can hit a tea plate sized target out past 50.  It just feels more like breathing, natural.
The season gave him perfect mornings, hunter's moons and fields of freedom found only by walking them with a predator's stride.
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Offline woodchucker

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #34 on: November 23, 2009, 06:50:00 PM »
jcar315, The statement "If I had my compound I would have got him" is in quotes.....

That is because this is the statement most often posted by the hunters making the traditional transition.

That is the reason that I think it is part of the transitional process. When everything is set up,and just right,their arrows always hit their mark. This is what they have become accustomed to. As the transition progresses,they will start to realize that their mind,eye,body sets up the process for them. That is why it's called "instinctive" shooting.
I only shoot WOOD arrows... My kid makes them, fast as I can break them!

There is a fine line between Hunting, & Sitting there looking Stupid...

May The Great Spirit Guide Your Arrows..... Happy Hunting!!!


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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #35 on: November 23, 2009, 06:57:00 PM »
"You only miss more if you accept being a mediocre shooter."

I agree with that...plus some. Guys in camp this year heard me say, when asked about the shots I passed on..."Nope, it wasn't a slam dunk shot". I said that exact same sentence, often enough that I expected a big LaClair bear paw to the back of my head.

Thats my new mantra. If it isn't an absolute, slam dunk shot, I'm not  taking it.

 I asked Fred Asbell once how close he likes his shots in the woods. He said "I like to have the arrow still on my string when it starts to penetrate" or something to that effect. Obviously he was kidding, but that always stuck with me.

The point of this sport to me...traditional archery...is to use everything I have aquired, all my "woodsmanship", and be as close as possible when I release the string. I'm an ok shooter, but at the range I hunt, it doesn't matter. Hunt close, and the missing stops.

You need to be able to pass up shots, no matter the trophy. And if you NEED to kill a deer, hunt with something else. Respectfully.

Offline onewhohasfun

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #36 on: November 23, 2009, 07:00:00 PM »
Maybe this would be a good time to help out our fellow brothers and sisters with their shooting. If your new at trad or having a little confidence problem, I'll bet if you contacted a Trad-Gang member close to you, many here would be glad to help you. If anyone near me needs a little help, PM me and I would be happy to assist in any way I can. Tom Bateman

Offline David McLendon

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2009, 07:14:00 PM »
Originally posted by George D. Stout:
"How do bees fly?"

The real question is how can a Horse-fly?
On a plane...
Lefties are the only ones who hold the bow in the right hand.

Offline 30coupe

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #38 on: November 23, 2009, 07:15:00 PM »
I agree with Roger. I pass on lots and lots of deer every year, probably more than I need to. I don't wish I had some different weapon when I do that; I just know I did the right thing. I have missed, sure, but not often. I watch the "bow hunting" shows on television and see compound shooters miss. Worse yet, I see how little penetration they get and how accepting they are of marginal...even poor hits.

I have no practical experience with a compound. I tried one for a few shots at a target, didn't enjoy it, so I stuck with traditional gear and have NO regrets. I see nothing inherently wrong with compound bows, but I do wish some of those who shoot them would use better penetrating arrow set-ups. If I ever get to the point when I just can't shoot traditional equipment, I may very well try a compound again, but I'll stick with my heavy arrows, high FOC, and cut on contact broadheads.

Do we miss more overall? I doubt it.
Kanati 58" 44# @ 28" Green glass on a green riser
Bear Kodiak Magnum 52" 45# @ 28"
Bodnik Slick Stick longbow 58" 40# @ 28"
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Offline Yellow Dog

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Re: Do Traditional Hunters Miss More Often?
« Reply #39 on: November 23, 2009, 07:24:00 PM »
We miss because we lost focus on "the spot". How many times have you missed a shot that you thought was a gimmie? More than once for me. The reason we miss on those close, can't miss shots, is because we shift our attention right before the release to "does he see me". How many times have you heard "I rattled one through his rack"? Why? Because right before the release you move from burning a hole in what you want to hit to peeking at the head gear. So that's where the arrow goes. And when it's all done and over with you pick a tiny spot on the ground and drill it. Shooting traditional is 90% a mind game. Focus and concentration puts the arrow where you want it. Burn a hole in what you want to hit and concentrate on that spot until you hear the arrow hit.
TGMM Family of the Bow

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