Well we have had a bit of bad luck lately so it relly stood out how good today was'
First of all the job I had to do was easy as so I was finished work by about 11am
got to the shops and found exactly what I wanted for the wife for Christmas and then headed home for some quiet time with the better half whilst the offspring were at school or daycare. I didn't think it would get any better until I asked the Better half if I could head out later and flick a few arrows at my new rabbit spot.
Well you could have knoked me over with a feather when she said yes and maybe I should take me eldest with me. We got geared up and headed out to say we were excited is a bit of an understatement as this was to be his second hunting trip ever.
We got to the spot which is about an acre with heaps of burrows along one fence , the bunnies duck for cover asap but if youu are patient they will slowly re-emerge. After being busted a couple of times Coby was starting to get a bit frustrated but i kept up the encougragement and he gritted his teeth . I didn't want to tell him that I had been trying to get a rabbit with a trad bow for about 5 years so patience is a key. We made a quiet stalk up behind a mound of dirt and slowly peered over the top. There were about 8 bunnies perched at the edges of their burrows waiting to bail at the slightest hint of danger . I kept explaining some of the different things that the bunnies were doing to hopefully sound like the old man had a bit of a clue. There was one rabbit that wouldn't stop looking at us even as the others relaxed but he was the furthest from safety so I decided to take a shot. Side on at about 6 m I drew and released, the arrow sailed over the bunnys back and he bolted , propping just at the entrance of his burrow . I already had another arrow on the string so I picked his eye as the spot , drew back and released again. The shot felt sweet and the solid thwack was music to my ears. I walked over to find him stone dead the arrow having entered his skull just behind the eye, with a couple of hi fives we slowly made our way back to the car and home so I could teach my oldest 2 boys how to dress the kill. I tell you now, It was a Awesome Day.