I will post some pics later on , but (unfortunaly) they will be of my bloddy arrow.
I need some help and here is my post to get some help of the gang.
I saw a very nice old 8 point about a 130, and made a shot but my arrow went about 10 inches from the front leg same line but to the back so you can say at about the middle of the stomach.
After the shot the buck ran about 30 yds then decided to walk and my cedar arrow with stos broadhead was hanging from the nock on the other side.
At about 80 yds he stopped and stayed there for about 3 minutes and came back towards me but never presented a follow up shot. The arrow was no longer hanging from the side of him and the cut was very clear.
It was about 8:10 and 20 minutes have passed since I shot my buck and I was still seeing him.
He was walking slowly like if he was wounded and heading for the thick brush , the fog was really heavy and i didn´t want to lose sight of him , so i got out of my blind (ground blind) and headed to try to make a follow up and mortal shot, but i never saw him again, and didn`t try to get in the brush as the wind was not in my favor and the fog will not let me see him
I waited for an hour and went to see if i could see some blood where i saw him walk, the floor was covered with very red dark blood (to my surprise)and i went where the deer had stopped about 80 yds or so and there was my arrow really covered with blood.
Seeing the arrow got me motivated i had taught it was a gut shot but if there was a lot of blood these was good. I started my search(1hrs after shot, big mistake) and I went after him only to find more signs but no deer,
these was yesterday morning and after lunch we searched again and we think we jumped him two times so at 4pm we stopped and here i am
What to do?
Did I hit the liver? if so how much time for him to die?
I want to see a good deer anatomy pic and can`t find one in the web
maybe the air squadron ( vultures ) will find him , but i really want to find him before them