After work today, Dave and I went bush to check some swamps, and I was able to get a good stalk on a little boar. He finally moved around the clump of pandanus that was between us, and began rubbing his shoulder on a little sapling. As he cleared the sapling, I sent a wooden arrow into his shoulder at about fifteen metres. He leapt forward a few steps, and we eye-balled each other for a few seconds before he staggered sideways, trotted a few more steps, and collapsed, kicking-out his last spark. It was all over in just yards and seconds. The boar was covered in slick, black mud from his afternoon wallowing. The bow was my 70" Howard Hill Wesley Special, 75# @ 28", and the arrow was home-made from Douglas fir supplied by , and wearing a STOS broadhead. A home-made dacron string made the win even sweeter. Any day now, the rains should come; the earth is fair-cryin'-out for it. On the drive home, we could see lightning flashing over the horizon, so we know we haven't got many more chances at pigs this season.