I just picked up two Bear Alaskans, and am curious if anyone could help me figure out what year they are.
#1 is a 62", 48#@28" Alaskan. It's a dual shelf model with dark green on the back, and light green on the belly. There's no coin.
#2 is a 62" 43#@28" Alaskan. It's also a dual shelf, but with a thicker riser section and grip and a silver coin. This one has black backing, and an orange belly. It also has a more pronounced limb design.
Both bows are what I'd call a semirecurve, the string does not contact the limb when strung. Any idea of what year they are or any other info you can give me on the Alaskans would be helpful and appreciated.
Both of the bows shoot very well, and I was surprised at their performance, especially the black and orange one.