Hey guys i hunt in pickens county and have for the last 10 yrs. I have hunted several different pieces of land and each time the land was full of deer.
What i would like to do is get some guys together that love trad bows as much as me and start a trad only hunting club. Finding land to lease shouldnt be a problem with the economy the way it is but i would like to start looking right away.
Also there are houses for rent everywhere in and around where i hunt so finding a place to stay wouldnt be a problem. Of course we could always use campers and just put them on the lease but i would rather have a house, i love my showers.lol
At the moment im hunting with 8 guys who have no interest in trad bows at all. I have even been made fun of for choosing to shoot a recurve. This weekend i was carrying my rifle and had chances on 2 small bucks and 8 does. All these deer would have been great deer with a trad bow but for some reason i chose to take my rifle.
What i would like to do is lease at least 1,000 acrs which could run from $8 to $11 dollars an acre. The land is pretty high in this county but the hunting is fantastic plus i know a lot of people who live and do business down there so it would make it easier for me to find the RIGHT set up.
I have 3 guys who are very interested in doing this but what i need is to find around 8 people who are truly interested in doing this. I can make this happen but i need to find out how much each person can afford to spend so i can start looking for the perfect spot.
Im 41 yrs old and just took up trad archery back in march and have killed 178 deer with a compound and more than that with a gun so im ready to go trad only and im am very dedicated in doing so. I am very easy going but very serious about my hunting and the people i hunt with.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in doing send me a PM or just give me a call. Anytime after 2pm is good for me and i would rather you did call so we can talk. Let me know what you think guys and lets make this happen.
cell 205-913-2674