Thanks all. I did leave out some details, for the telling, on purpose. have a good eye, and only my hunting buddy Fish picked up on it from the pics. I did leave this buck overnight. The shot was perfect, but the arrow zipped through so fast, I was unsure of the hit. The buck only went a little ways, and without finding the arrow right off, I opted to leave him overnight. I don't like to do that, because of the coyotes, and there is a bunch of them around anymore.
Next morning I found the arrow and the buck right away, and the deer did indeed get discovered by critters, but instead of coyotes, I think it was a red fox that has been hanging around. I did'nt lose much meat, only a small bit of hindquarter. It's only the second deer I've lost some to scavengers overnight. The first one, was really consumed by the coyotes. At any rate, it's always a gamble to leave them or risk jumping them up in the fun either.
Thanks again, everyone.