When things get torn up that bad in a shoulder, surgery is usually the best option to make it better. I've been there and done that, but I am shooting my bows again. Recovery can be slow, so take your time and do what needs to be done, even if you don't like it -- and you won't!
Your body wants to sleep so it can repair itself. Sleep is your best medicine at this point. Take it.
A little word of advice: those narcotics are horrible things. It doesn't take long to become physically dependent on them, and many people become addicted. Don't use them any longer than is absolutely necessary. Try to transition to non-narcotic analgesics as soon as you can, even if you have to deal with some pain. During my cancer treatment I was on narcotics for 7 months. Being on them and going through the ordeal of getting off them was almost as bad as the cancer and the cancer treatments were, even though I was physically dependent on the drugs and not addicted to them.
My prayers for you will continue.
God will be there with you, and so will his number one helper -- your wife.