LOL!! Thanks guys! Yes...Mike is right I was actually bleaching my teeth. It aint easy being as "Handsome" as Guru...I need all the help I can get! Yes...Uncle Barry actually is my real father. Hmmm....That would make Gene my uncle? Truth is I have never considered myself as "sexy" as a Wensel...But if you ask Biggie, he'll tell ya we look like triplets...
Thanks for the accolades...and Yes, I did kill an elk. A small bull. But now I'm watching a 350" class bull in Utah and yes, my tag is good thru Dec. I'm in Wyoming right now teaching BJJ...but all of next week, I'll be after that bull!
Storie(s)...Mmm. Well the big snowy muley is actually last seasons Montana buck. I watched him all summer and fall. He lived on a ranch I had permission to hunt but so did an outfitter. We were both after that buck. Well, the last weekend that buck took up residence with about 10 does within sight of the ranch house in a small greasewood/sage thicket. The outfitter wanted to go in with his clients and a 7mm Mag...The rancher said No guns in that area! Well...guess who shoots a lil' ol' recurve...I had to wait for a SE wind, which on this ranch almost never comes. But, one lucky day it did! I slipped in and actually caught him in his bed. He was so occupied looking at his does (which were all looking at me) that I was able to get a 30 yard shot at him. As luck would have it...I centered his heart! He ran 50 yards and piled up within sight of the ranch barn! Just as I got to him, the snow started falling and the does stood atop the hill and watched me kneel beside him. was an awesome moment! He is an amazing deer and I'm very proud of him.
I am busy writing a story for TBM about the whitetail. He was killed on the last day of the 09 season. I wanted that buck so bad. He scored 138" as a basic 4x4 (not that score ever matters). I actually passed up several bucks at under 20 yards that would have scored better, but I really wanted this buck. He was a real brute and quite the fighter. His ear was split from top to bottom and several times I watched him run off bigger bucks. I shot him from a tree at 12 yards thru 1 lung and into the top of his heart. He still ran over 200 yards and swam a river! One tuff critter. I shot him at 7:30 am Sunday morning. 15 minutes after I hit him a legit 150" class 5x5 walked right under year!
Yes, I'm having a great season and I'm truly blessed. I have put in alot of time in the woods. But, just so you dont think I'm anywhere near as cool as Mike, Barry or Guru...I missed a 15 yard broadside shot at a 180" class muley...That one still hurts! Good news is...he's still out there and next year...he and I have a date!
As for my equipment: I'm currently shooting a 70 lb Bob Lee t/d with Beman MFX shafts and my heads are either Wensel Woodies or Magnus 4 blade Stingers. And yes...I'm wearing Sitka Gear!!!
I hope all of you are also having a great season and that your'e having as much fun as me! If I'm fortunate to kill that big UT bull...I'll ask Guru to post a pic!
Thanks for all the kind words and God Bless my Trad Brothers!!!!!