I have a new trad shooting pard, one of the young men from our local mennonite community dropped by and I fixed him up with a recurve. He was shooting pretty good after about 30 shots, but got tired quick. His cousins had been having a ball with their curves since I got them into it, have taken deer, beaver and several squirrels. He sold his PSE wheelie bow,and went whole hog trad. I made him a couple of tabs, and a extra flemish string to go with the bow, gave him a stringer and a extra 3Rivers catalog I had laying around. We refletched some of his arrows with feathers and wraps and I told him Merry Christmas, this was free. I had a Blachawk Archery, Apollo, #44@28, 64" long, Osage and Phenolic, yellow glass that I let him have for what I had in it, plus I put a new rest, string and wool puffs on it. I never get tired of coaching a new trad shooter, them start to get the hang of it and watch the spark in their eye when the arrows hit where they are looking! He had shot several of my bows in the past and his cousins, I beleive he will be a fast learner. Well, just thought I would share. Sam.