Well, in the spirit of Tradgang generosity and Christmas, I'd like to do a simple little give away.
I make my own leather dressing jokingly called "Bulla-Bulla Boot Butter" when I have to call it something. It is a home made blend of beeswax, deer tallow and a couple other ingredients. Lightly pine scented in a rather blatant attempt to copy Montanna Pitch Blend.
The end result is something a lot like Mink Oil but with just a hint of pine scent. I don't use scent oils, rather I just steep it with some pieces of Christmas tree clippings like tea to take on some of the scent. This batch has some douglas fir and balsam fir scent.
I have two small tupperware tubs about 4"X4" and about 2" deep and will draw two winners on this coming Tuesday, December 7th.
FYI, I've been making it for a couple years and have given away some tubs of it at MOJAM in the past. People seem to like it but maybe they are just being polite.... I don't claim it to be some new super leather water proofing though it does help as well as anything else I've used. Where it seems to really shine is rejuvenating dry leather or softening leather that has been used hard and put away wet. I've uses it on my leather boots, work gloves, quivers, the kids football, old deer antlers, chapped hands and all sorts of places.
Let me know if you are interested.