Story: I was hunting a ridge top of hardwoods that runs behind a new very high-end housing development. On a previous morning I saw two younger bucks work the same scrape about 20 yards from my stand as they were showing off for the ladies in the area. I was sinning and carrying my compound that morning, so I decided that either of those young bucks would be a trophy with my longbow. I returned the next weekend on a Saturday morning 10/25/09 carrying the "right" bow. The buck pictured above showed up and worked the licking branch above the scrape I saw the other two bucks work the previous weekend. I had not seen this buck before and I quickly decided that if he gave me a shot with my longbow, I would take it. He stepped out from the scrape broadside at 20 yards and I decided since I was pretty excited, I could make a bad shot at that distance. I rolled the dice and waited to see if he would walk under me as most the deer that came through there had before. As luck would have it, he walked directly under my stand. I let him get to 10 yards past me and he turned giving me a quartering away shot. I let her fly and struck him high, a spine shot dropped him right there. I quickly placed a second arrow in the lungs while he was down. He gave up the ghost in less than a minute, which made me feel better about the first shot that was high. I'm pretty proud of him. It was a good hunt.