I had traveled about 3 hours to a spot in the big bottoms of the White River. This area is known for big bucks. You may not see alot of deer, but what you do see is quality.
Getting on with the story. I found a real nice buck using a ridge covered with cane leading to a food plot about 100 yards away. I set up on him to get a shot as soon as he stepped out of the cane that was about 15 yards from my tree.
About 4:30pm I hear steps, look to the cane thicked and see them just being thrashed as somthing walked to me. The cane was about 12 feet high and all I could see is the tops just waving back and fourth with every step. He would only move a coulple steps at a time them stop to look around. He was about 5 yards from the edge, ready to step out, when I heard more steps from the other direction. I looked only to see another gut walking to me. I whistled, he stoped. I whistled again and he looked at me.
This is where it gets bad. He walked about 10 feet to a sapling, dropped his pants and took a crap. Then he took off his socks wiped his butt and stood up to put his pants back on. Then this jerk started waving his socks around in the air for a minute or so and hung them on a tree.
With all of the noise and hatfulness of this jerk, the buck of course busted out of there.
One of my friends, who was hunting about 200 yards away seen the buck run past his stand. To add to my anger he told me this gut was a giant.
I wanted to get down and give him a proper welcome to my deer stand, but he ran off. Do you think this was some sort of PETA freak or just someone trying to get himself shot with an Ace super express? He did not have a bow or gun or anything. I still can't believe that it really happened. Who would just take a crap on a guy just to ruin his hunt? :mad: :mad: :mad: