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Author Topic: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?  (Read 1855 times)

Offline Dave Bulla

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Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« on: December 08, 2009, 09:36:00 AM »
Hi all.

Just been reading several posts about many of you winding up your seasons already and got to thinking about how blessed we are here in the state of Missouri with season length and bonus doe tags.  

I'd like to do a little comparison between some of the other states.  Just looking for the basics like, season dates, bag limits, can you bow hunt during other seasons like gun etc?  

Here in MO, our season runs September 15th to Jan 15th except for 10 days in November rifle season when you can bowhunt on a rifle permit.  For one license, you get two turkey (fall season), two deer, either buck or doe but you can only kill one buck before the rifle season and you can buy as many doe tags as you want.  You can also bowhunt for all your small game and I think furbearers too.  Pretty good deal for $19!

Heck, maybe we could all post some price info and build a data base for the site.  Here's a link to the MO website showing permit prices.  You could also find the seasons if you get into that section.


How about your state????

I've come to believe that the keys to shooting well for me are good form, trusting the bow to do all the work, and having the confidence in the bow and myself to remain motionless and relaxed at release until the arrow hits the mark.

Offline Don Stokes

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2009, 10:35:00 AM »
Hi Dave,

Currently here in MS we can bowhunt straight through from the opening of archery season until the end of January. The license is cheap for residents.

Traditionally our archery season opens on Oct. 1, and gun season with dogs opens the third Saturday in November. Primitive weapons season (no dogs) opens Dec. 2 and closes Dec. 15. Then it's guns without dogs from the 16th until the 23rd, and then guns with dogs again from Dec. 24 until Jan. 20. Primitive weapons season then runs to the end of Jan. There are some variations to this schedule in the extreme southern part of the state, with 15 days taken off the front end of the archery season and added back to the last primitive weapons season, making the closing Feb. 15. Does are legal on private land, but only part of the time on public land. It's difficult to keep up with.

Next year everything may change completely. There is a rumor that the season may run from Oct. 1 until the end of January, all legal deer hunting weapons legal all the time! This will be a significant blow to archery and primitive weapons hunters, and may do real damage to the sporting goods stores who have archery and primitive weapons inventories to sell. We bowhunters will no longer be able to hunt deer that haven't been harassed by the gun hunters yet, if this takes place.

I love hunting in your state, even though I have to pay $175 for each season I hunt in. Missouri is very progressive, apparently with wildlife professionals managing the seasons. Down here it's the politicians.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.- Ben Franklin

Offline Earl Jeff

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2009, 10:38:00 AM »
Hay Guys read Pa Deer Hunters !!!!!!!!!!!! thread I'll find it and bring it to the top

Offline Bill Kissner

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2009, 10:48:00 AM »
Wish I could say good things about Illinois. Blago decimated our DNR and swept millions from the sportsmans funds into the general fund. It will take years for our state to recover. I am ashamed of the outrageous amount our state charges non residents to come here to hunt.
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Offline wtpops

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2009, 10:59:00 AM »
Im not even going to talk about California, we have to by tags for PIGS.
TGMM Family of the Bow
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Offline katie

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2009, 11:07:00 AM »
In Iowa we start Oct. 1 to Dec 4th.  Then a shotgun season starts.  We are NOT allowed to hunt with a bow during shotgun.  We head back out Dec. 21st (I believe) to mid January.  I am a land owner so I get my tags for $3 then up to $13 reduced fee.  Not sure about what non-land owners pay.  I think it is around $25 per tag.
"Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity"  John Muir

Offline WildmanSC

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2009, 11:12:00 AM »
I live in the Lowcountry of SC.  We have one of the longer seasons and the most gracious bag limit, unlimited bucks, in the country.  Our season runs from August 15th until January 1st.  You can literally kill as many bucks as you can get to walk, or run, past you in a day, a week, a month or the entire season.  You can also get turkey tags and 8 does tags with your license, $15 resident hunting license.

The season and bag limits are on private land.  On public land it ends to be around 5 bucks total in gun hunting seasons and on the three or four archery only WMAs you can kill one deer per day, bucks only September 1 until Septemeber 15 and then buck or doe September 16 to January 1st.

To hunt the WMAs most residents purchas a Sportsman license which is $50 and includes hunting on private and public land, fishing and small game and pig hunting.  The season for pigs is open year round.

TGMM Family of the Bow

Groves Flame Recurve 62", 45#@28"

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Offline NorthernCaliforniaHunter

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2009, 12:13:00 PM »
Ditto what Pops said. California is a hard place to hunt.
"...there are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, it's melancholy, and its charm." Theodore Roosevelt

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Offline kasey

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2009, 01:04:00 PM »
my TN is a $139 a year

Offline mwmwmb

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2009, 01:09:00 PM »
In AR license is $25 you get 4 deer no more than 2 bucks and can bowhunt from Oct 1-Feb 28.

Offline John Scifres

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2009, 01:14:00 PM »
I am blessed for sure here in Indiana.  Bow season is Oct 1 - Early January except for a few weekdays after general gun season when all deer seasons are closed.  

We can kill 1 buck and almost unlimited does.  I have no problem filling my freezer year after year, mostly with a gun though.  We have plenty of deer and a conservative government that is the poster child for incremental change.  i.e. Change is slow but steady.  I was lucky enough to buy a lifetime license when they were still available so all my tags are included.  We have a youth license that is $7 and includes everything.  We have special youth hunts for deer and turkeys.  

It ain't perfect but it sure is good.  We also have lots of quality public land if you are willing to work a bit for it.  

Our weather is perfect most of the time too.  OK, that might be stretching it but the rest is true  :)
Take a kid hunting!

TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline lpcjon2

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2009, 01:19:00 PM »
In New Jersey it sucks! except that winter bow is till Jan,30 2010.
Firearm Licenses
Resident Firearm Hunting    $27.50
Senior Resident Firearm (65 yrs & older)    $15.50
Non-Resident Firearm Hunting    $135.50
Non-Resident Two-Day Small Game Firearm Hunting    $36.50
Special One-Day Hunting (On Commercial Preserves Only)    $12.50
Youth License    Free
Bow and Arrow Licenses
Resident Bow & Arrow Hunting    $31.50
Senior Resident Bow & Arrow Hunting (65 yrs & older)    $16.50
Non-Resident Bow & Arrow Hunting    $135.50
Youth License    Free
Trapping Licenses
Resident Trapping    $32.50
Non-Resident Trapping    $200.50
Deer Permits for Bow, Shotgun or Muzzleloader (antlerless only)    $28.00
Antlered Buck Bonus Permits (for Permit Bow, Shotgun and Muzzleloader seasons)    $28.00
Youth Deer Permit    $12.00
Turkey Season Permit    $21.00
Youth Turkey Permit    $12.00
Rifle Permit (valid July 1 - June 30)    $10.50
Youth Rifle Permit (valid July 1 - June 30)    $6.00
Pheasant & Quail Stamp    $40.00
Resident Waterfowl Stamp (valid July 1 - June 30)    $5.00
Non-Resident Waterfowl Stamp (valid July 1 - June 30)    $10.00
Miscellaneous Licenses
All-Around Sportsman (Includes Resident Firearm Hunting,
Bow & Arrow Hunting & Fishing Licenses)    $72.25
Duplicate licenses    $2.00
NOTE: License fees are subject to change
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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2009, 02:47:00 PM »
Originally posted by lpcjon2:
In New Jersey it sucks! Except that winter bow is till Jan,30 2010.
That's only in some Zones. In Zone 10 for deer it started Sept (second Saturday) and ran till mid-Feb, Everything is the same... Also in most zones You had Unlimited Anterless deer tags

Offline waknstak IL

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #13 on: December 08, 2009, 04:26:00 PM »
Ditto what Bill said, It's all about the money. It's ridiculous and shameful what they are charging for non-resident tags and even more shameful how many they are selling.
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Offline Shaun

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #14 on: December 08, 2009, 04:34:00 PM »
Iowa has started charging over $500 for non res deer tag and it takes at least 3 preference points to get one - way too much and too hard to get.

We can bow hunt during gun but only in the town hunts where guns are not allowed. Resident tags are cheap and generous, up to 3 bucks (regular, landowner and late muzzle when you can use your bow) and all the doe tags you need.

Glad all states are not so high. I recently purchased a one year non res tag in Georgia for under $200 and it allows a dozen deer including 2 bucks one of which has to be an 8 or better.

Offline Boone the Hunter

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #15 on: December 08, 2009, 05:20:00 PM »
michigan, It's like 30 bucks for a combo tag, and 9 dollars for every doe tag over that, you can shoot two bucks and buy several doe tags if you get leftover tags or if you own land. Boy does it get expensive quick, I wouldn't mind at all and would even be cheerful if all the money went to good use, management, habitat ect..... but I look around like hmmm.  Sure are correct on Illinois, soon they are going to start asking for body parts, I really love Illinois but Wow! gotta start saving now.
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Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #16 on: December 08, 2009, 07:14:00 PM »
Second Saturday in September through Jan 1 in northern part of the state, and second Saturday in January in the Southern part.

Metro Atlanta, 13 counties, goes all the way through Jan 30th.

12 tags- 2 bucks, 10 does and you can use the buck tags for does if you like.

3 turkeys in Spring from March 20th through May 15th

Hogs on private land all year round- hogs on public ground and Fort Stewart and other military bases by permit most of the year...bear in the fall, alligator by permit, bowfishing in fresh and salt water.

Sportsman's License covers everything, including fishing, but not trapping and ducks- 58 dollars.
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline joe ashton

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2009, 07:30:00 PM »
Here is Colo we are blessed with a wide variety of big game: elk, mule deer, white tails, antelope, lions, bears, moose, big horn sheep, mt goats.  We have a great DOW that work hard to provide quatlity experiences. The season for bows is sept and the weather is nice and the fall colors are at thier peak...
Down side is deer tags are all draw and its been an every other year deal....

Joe Ashton,D.C.
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Offline overbo

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2009, 07:47:00 PM »
My county in VA bow season starts on 1st saturday in Oct.Then blackpowder picksup on the 1st saturday of Nov w/ rifle starting on the second saturday of Nov and runs till the last day of Mar. w/ 3 bucks and 2 antlerless deer a day thru the whole season

Offline Boone the Hunter

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Re: Blessed here in Missouri how about your state?
« Reply #19 on: December 08, 2009, 08:20:00 PM »
Oh, I forgot to mention season dates we get an early doe season in late september gun/bow then regular bow season opens Oct 1-Nov 15. On Nov 15 gun opens but you can bow hunt, it closes for a few days but then muzzleloader opens till dec 20ish and pretty much the deer around us are tunneling under ground by christmas to escape the crossfire. Bow only opens till Jan 1 and then its done till next year.
Love the Lord, love your wife and kids, work hard, hunt harder

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