I have a 66 AMO recurve and cannot shoot directly beneath my elevated stands when sitting b/c bow is too long, even when bow is slightly canted during the shot process.
I am 6 ft 1 inch and when hunting on the ground and shooting from the ground w/ that bow I have to kneel upright (w/ butt off the ground and back straight) as opposed to kneeling w/ back slouched and resting butt on ankles. When kneeling and slouching I'm not high enough to shoot w/o limb interference from ground.
Sorry, just noticed you are talking about STANDING while shooting from elevated stand. Around here I rarely do that. Even if its a treestand that offers a choice to stand or sit, I just sit on it. Where I hunt, when we're hunting elevated we are only 9-14 feet of ground max and we just sit and shoot from sitting position. I've tried standing but it seems way too dicey.