Originally posted by elktalker:
Elk are nothing like deer when it comes to killing them. To say they are tough is a huge understatment. You have to get good shot placement to kill them. Ive seen deer shot in the guts and dropped over night. Not going to happen with elk. Ive seen to many elk shot good from the ground with full broadside and not found them. Once I shot one center body right behind the sholder from the ground and only got one lung it was a last light shot so we came back in the morning to jump him he ran like he wasn't even hit. I did end up getting him, by the grace of God I was able to get a shot at the other lung later that morning.I have a lot of respect for the animals I hunt and was looking for responce from some one that has expearience elk hunting from tree stands.
I apologize if my response wasn't what you were looking for. But biologically, elk are a member of the deer family. As such, their vital organ placement is the same as their smaller cousins. The fact that elk live longer than smaller deer, like whitetails for example, after marginal hits doesn't change proper shot placement (marginal hits, by definition are
not proper shot placement).
Yes they're big. Yes they're tough. That may change equipment requirements, but it doesn't change where you need to put your arrow to get both lungs.
And yes, I do have experience hunting elk from treestands.