If it was truly "extra" cash, I would put it toward a moose hunt. I would go with an outfitted hunt, not guided. With money being as tight as it is right now, I would most likely do something foolinsh with it, like put it in the bank!!
I trade/buy alot of bows, but I don't take money from the "household funds" to do so. When I do an out of state hunt, I try to work overtime or pick up odd jobs (roofing, fence building, brush clearing) to pay for it. As I have hit my mid 50s, doing the extra work is a bit tougher to do as the body is showing some wear. In construction, I tend to get time off when I want it the least and end up working overtime when I would prefer to be in the woods! Always works that way for some reason.
My biggest issue is TIME. I get no pay unless I am at work...no vacation time, no paid holidays, no sick days, so when I DO plan a hunt, I need to have enough money set aside to cover the time lost from work, as well as the license and transportation costs of the hunt.
I have been blessed to have been able hunt bear and caribou in Canada a few times and if I had to limit myself to one more hunt away from home it would definitely be Moose. Mike