Does anyone know where the Bear Montana is made? I have been eye balling one for awhile now, as my old #60 PSE Heritage series longbow's cap is delaminating, and although it's still a good shooter, duct tape and all, I'm looking to upgrade. I looked at a Montana in Cabela's last night, and it looks like a very rugged and well built weapon.
The Bear Montana also appears to get very good feedback on various forums, however, according to the Dick's Sporting goods website, they list the country of origin as China...? Is this correct? I knew Escalade/Bear imported their youth bows from Asia, but I thought the recurves and longbows were still made in Florida by US workers. Now let me be very clear, I'm not knocking China, if the Montana IS made there, they appear to do a superb job, and I intend to buy one in the near future.
I'm just curious where they are manufactured. Thanks in advance!