Speaking as one who has to turn around and look back at the corner to see 70, I'd say yes. I don't have a geriatric medicine degree to back this up, but it just makes sense. Muscles are springs, operating by tension vs. relaxation. As you get older you aren't as strong, because some of the tension goes out of the springs. If the springs aren't as springy, your movements are shorter. I know my normal walking stride is shorter than it used to be and it makes sense that some of the things I do with my arms would also come up shorter. Heck, I AM shorter, my height is down almost an inch and a half from when I was I was in my prime (hmm.. was that last week or last month? My memory is shorter, too.) My overall pure strength is way down, but that's age plus a medical reaction, so I'm shooting lighter. However, looking at the bright side, I have lots more time and I'm enjoying it as much as ever... or more. There, I've explained the future to you. Don't thank me, just adjust your shooting and keep enjoying it. And remember, as Satchel Paige said, "Never look back. Somethin' might be gaining on you."