When we say spot - we mean a little tiny spot- if you can see a hair missing shoot for that- the smaller the spot; the better.
Nutter thing - are you shooting from the ground when you practice; and from a treestand when you hunt ? You might want to take a couple practice arrows with you to where you hunt; and shoot them from you are getting shots at the deer.
When you lean over; and don't bend at the waist; to shoot from a stand; it can totally throw off your shot.
I would take a paper plate; put it above the ground right where you are expecting a shot; and get hunkered in and shoot at the paper plate.
You might be surprised at what happens.
Nutter thing; is that with all those shots and deer- your getting some adrenaline going; so you will really have to concentrate on your form; your anchor points and such.
When ever you hit a deer in the spine; follow up with an immediate shot to its vitals; like as soon as you can put an arrow on the string.
You are practicing with the same arrows as you are hunting with? Broadheads fly different than field points.....
Keep your broadheads really sharp- and get totally serious when you get a shot. Concentrate....
Good luck - we all miss or suffer from 'convenient Alzheimer's '