JMHO, but the first thing I would do is stop scouting. Don't go in except to hunt.
When you do huntgo out of your way to aproach with the wind good. Wear coon scent on your boots.
Your blue line makes two turns. The turn farthest west ...I would spend two days there inside the treeline within shooting range ,if possible, of the cut beans. That's an outside corner of the beans from one bedding area to the next. He should avoid the cut beans in daytime, but will cut that corner close if he wants to head north from his bed you jumped him from. Get what I'm sayin'?
If no luck there go to the first turn of blue line leaving his bed. Just east of that turn if possible hang a stand, but only if you can hang it when you go in to hunt. Don't go look for a tree ahead of time. too risky. I bet you have a good idea already of where to put it. Hunt that a full day if possible.
You will likely see him and be able adjust if needed just a little.
Don't over hunt him if you can help it. Give it a few days to settle down, go only when the wind is good. Watch the weather, big front on the way be out there before dawn.
Again JMHO, but those two locations really stand out. I hunt by photos like that and have good success. I really like the first loc.
Start far away and move in. If you jump him ageain it may be over.
Good luck and let us know.