Well, I stopped by Brian's shop to
TRY to finalize my wood choices for the next set of twins...it is almost impossible! He's got so many nice pieces of wood, I am almost to the point of telling him to make it out of what he likes to work with best.
There is a lot of activity at the shop with him working on customer orders and building up a small inventory of stock bows to take to Kalamazoo.
Here is a Bacote riser on the left and Pau Ferro on the right.

Here is a pic of some unfinished limbs; Myrtle on the left and Canebrakes on the right. Brian does
EXCELLENT snake skin work...I think it may come from being a fine taxidermist.

On the limb pic you can see the first stage of a few risers; I see from front to back:
Brazillian Rosewood
Curly Maple
I looked at a lot of wood pieceswhile I was there and what caught my eye in addition to these was the Bubinga, Osage, and Walnut both in vaneers and riser blocks. He's got some KILLER Cocobolo, but I've already got one of them...