My worst year ever started like this, About august I started to develop a sharp pain in my right shoulder about the point I would each my anchor point, it got moee painful as time went on I hunted New Hampshire but it was day to day if I could get a shot off, I got a few cortizone shots and it would help for a few days. Finally I had to take the defeat, I would have to hunt with a low poundage compound if I was to bowhunt, to say i was not happy would be a understatment. My season was highlighted by my 10yr old son taking his first deer with a bow on Oct, 12th. well on Oct, 22nd things went from bad to worse, climbing into my 22 ft stand that afternoon I found out a rodent of the tree dwelling kind had chewed the strap to the top section of my laddeer stick but did not know till I was on my way to the ground. I was hurt very bad dad came to get me hours in the ER and hospital cat scans, x rays blood brained from my chest cavity twice breathing machines. I was bed ridden for 2 weeks then with help physical therapy started lots of pain but helped. I still go to PT and they have worked on my right shoulder also, and doc has told me I could start shooting my grandfathers 40lb. recurve. This is what I missed, I pushed friends away and may have broken bridges with a man I look up to and who is my mentor in trad bowhunting cause of all this. I give a public apology to Dave Knipes, I have not got the nuts to even call or pm him, I feel ashamed. I was not happy bowhunting, I even took a doe despite all this before the fall but it was just filling the freezer no satisfaction. I count my blessings and thank god I'm still alive as my lungs were badly beat up and bleeding, I thank him for the time with my kids I still have. I feel stronger and more determined to hunt and shoot trad. I missed you all and most of all you Dave. God bless all of you this year. Chris Halsey