I now only hunt "natural, on the ground". I gave up on treestands 2 years ago. I use a mix of pines, oak branches and beech branches for stick blinds because they hold the leaves best after being cut. I shot a buck and a doe this year. Both at 15 yards.
Although I have no pics. Didn't bother. I also missed what would have been best Michigan buck, a very nice 8pt. I grunted him in, he came in on a charge but busted me as I put my hand on the string. Frankly I got excited and moved a little too much too fast. Kind of a "holy @&*@" moment. But when he spotted me, he got nervous and turned before he was going to bolt and gave me a full broadside at 27 paces, which I do practice at. But in the heat of the moment, I misjudged the distance and shot about a foot under his lungs.
I'm done hunting out of treestands.