I killed a jake turkey in the spring NE season, then hunted with my outfitter brother in Alberta where I took two black bears, the best of which is pictured here.
Lots of fishing with my daughters this summer, including this nice bass.
Early in the NE season, Sept. 25, I was lucky enough to be able to take this young buck at about 10 yards with my 6-year old daughter Emily in the stand with me, something she and I have always wanted to be able to do. GREAT night.
On Oct. 2, I was able to stalk this 4x5 buck in a standing cornfield during a wind storm, also about 10 yards. Coyotes beat me to the back half but it was still a very exciting/rewarding hunt. Photos don't do justice to his rack, 19" wide and decent mass.
Also thus far have taken three other deer that qualify as antlerless (the young buck with my daughter also fit that legal description). Here's a doe taken Oct. 6 from the ground in standing corn also.
And another taken from a tree stand while sharing the field during a three-day 'rifle' season on Oct. 10.
And finally a deer taken Oct. 21 while still-hunting through tall CRP grass. Three of my five deer this year have been taken from the ground, all with a Pronghorn takedown longbow, Woodmsan heads.
Still hunting--and have actually passed up 5 bucks last two times out (two of which were really pretty nice)--but we just hammered by a blizzard that is still going and I may have difficulty even getting near my hunting spots in the few days I have remaining. Passed up more 120-130" bucks this season than any before, and combined with standing corn that still exists in some parts, have high hopes that next year could have some big deer to chase. Had hoped to add a couple does to the list, but yesterday would've been over a 1/2-mile drag with a blizzard due any hour, and I just couldn't get myself to let 'er rip.