You will find some helpful info at the OHSU website. You can Google OHSU Tinnitus Clinic or us the following. I have personally found the Remington R2000 Hearing Protection Thin Muffs helpful for a lot of situations. First they have a dial that allows you to increase hearing, but at the same time cuts out loud noises. Great for work, around power equipment, shooting, and even hunting. You can carry on a conversation while wearing them. They can be uncomfortable in warm or hot weather.
You can find them in lots of sporting outlets or online. There is a picture at this website. I always keep soft plugs with me if not ear muffs for any situation. I NEVER us any power equipment without good hearing protection.
Secondly, I have used the Walker Game Ear, Digital HD Pro which has accessories, follow the directions. I believe it is important not to turn it up to high, it is capable of 9x hearing enhancement, and does not block out loud noise as they claim. You can hear ants in leaves with these hummers. Seriously, it would be possible to do more damage to your hearing by increasing the amplification more than what is needed.
If you make it a rule to use hearing protection around work or home when using lawn mowers, shop equipment or anything place where there is loud noise, it will help prevent further hearing loss.
If your kids are prone to use head sets for music, videos etc., I would DEFINITELY discourage their use. Nothing good will happen. After you look at the website, show it to your kids.
As for quiet times, I keep a radio with me while traveling and at home or work. I even use it at night, but I am single and the dogs don't seem to mind.
The point is to provide the information so you can improve your situation and enjoy hunting a bit more. If you use either the Walker Game Ear or the Remington R2000 and there are others out there, you won't be surprised by a deer walking out behind your ground blind.
It would be important to get tested, not just for hearing loss but by a tinnitus clinic.