After all the bows that I have owned and tried over the last 10 years I have finally gotten out of the buying, selling and trading. There are a few that I have owned that thinking back I maybe should have kept, (MOAB, Massie, to name two) but the two bows that I ended up keeping are my ACS CX and my PLGA. My ACS is hands down the best shooting bow I have ever shot and my Black Widow PLGA is not only a looker, but fast, smooth, forgiving and built to last. Not only are both of these bows great to shoot, but the customer service of both companies is outstanding.
Best advise would be to find one to shoot and see if it is for you. If not, there are many other great bow makers out there producing bows. If you have the time and the means, Kalamazoo is coming up in January and you could try out alot of bows from different bowyers.