Fletched up some 29.5 & 30 inch 2217's (have a bunch on hand) and some 2213's with 4" LWs. Too much snow to shoot through paper outside, but visually both fly well shooting across the basement into a bag target. For pure simplicity sake, I'm using alum inserts 125 grain points, and no extra weight up front. Been using 125 grain 2 blade Magnus on the carbons, but as long as I'm trying something different, may go with 125 grain Snuffers.
To pre-empt the obvious question, I'm switching from carbons to alums as the alums are easier to fletch, tune, need less fiddling to get adequate weight, and generally are easier work with. I'm shooting for an arrow that will shoot well with all my bows. If I get a perfect tune with a couple it will be a plus, but I'll accept a good average with all...