I have lots of heros, they've all done great things and they've all made mistakes, and it's because they're all people. David had great faith in God and Great courage, but I don't approve of him sleeping with Batheba then having her Husband murdered. I used to love watching O.J. Simpson run the football when I was a kid, but I don't approve of his crimes he was accused of. Evil Knevil and his Motor bike jumps he made, but I don't care for the riotous lifestyle he led. Fred Bear and Howard Hill, I think they were amazing bowhunters and they've done so much for modern archery, but I'd never take some of the long shots they took.
They're all just people, the took chances they made mistakes, they're all great. Take the good with the bad.
But for the most part, I'm with Mudd, I don't like reading about things that get my mind wondering in a bad way about those I look up to. (Example: I like reading about David thwacking Goliath, but not about him having Uriah, one of his most loyal soldiers, murdered). Those archery legends made some amazing shots, and I like reading about those, just not the long shot attempts at animals, weather they were chained to a tree or not.