Afternoon Day 1....
Heck, I don't remember the name of this one. But it was a low ladder with a very nice plastic seat.As you can see, between the nice warm weather, and the seat,I was quite comfortable....
You just never know what you're gonna see in south Florida....
First 4 legged visitor of the evening....
Dang, I should'a bought a license like Marty suggested!!
Caught this one just as the feeder went off. As you can see,we're not the only one's the get startled.....
Good stuff.....
Second buck of the evening...
Sitting around the camp fire the last night, Marty asked ..."So which sit was your favorite?"
They were all good, and certainly more that included some shooting at hogs.....but there was "something" about this sit. The warm weather, lounging back, the Cranes, the does and bucks...just a real relaxing sit....this is the one I picked...