After lunch we went back out on the buggy to check a few things out and corn a road we'd already chummed up a couple times already.
This was the third time we'd corn this road, and it had been picked clean both times prior. Once on each side of the road. Now both sides looked as though a dozer had gone thru....more on this road later....
So on the way back to camp, all of a sudden Marty cuts the engine and we coast to a stop. They'd spotted hogs!!
I could also see the palmettos shaking and certainly hear them, but until they actually pointed one out I couldn't see any. But there was no doubt there was quite a few hogs in there...and they had no clue we were around!!!!!!
I put my shooting glove on, they put my bow in my hand and pushed me off the back of the buggy...
..time to test my "ground game"...the hunt was on!!!!
I'd left my camera in a pouch on the buggy and I thought about it too late to give it to one of them to take pix or video.....but little did I know...Marty had found it......
At first I walked down the roadway, checking with them to see If I'd gone over far enough. They had a birds eye view from the buggy about 70yds away. Then they urgently started motioning for me to head into the palmettos. I was trying to be quiet at first, but soon realized that making noise wasn't a problem at all. The hogs themselves were making a racket and even if they heard me, they'd just think it was another hog in the priority was to keep the wind in my favor....


I finally started to close on some hog sounds that seemed to be staying relatively in the same place......

Soon I was 5yds. from a totally unsuspecting sow....but had no shot......

Then, as she started to walk off, quartering away hard and still unaware of my presence, a shot opened up at about 8yds....

I saw the Terminator hit her right where I wanted it......far back as she was quartering away sharply, but burying deep, up into her chest....

She crashed off squealing, and after just a few yards I lost track of her in the chaos of the departing sounder thru the palmettos...
At the time, I had no idea Marty had caught it all on film.....