I honestly don't know where to start this one...
I don't have much time right now, as I'm catching up with the family and I'll be leaving for home in the morning.
I will say now, that without a doubt, I just sent 4 days with two of the finest men I've ever had the priveledge to spend time with!
Marty McMahon and Wayne "Biggie" Hoffman
I really need to think about this one a little before I go ahead....
What I experienced the last 4 days is going to be so hard to explain...... I'm truly without words because I know, anything, in any way I try to describe it, will pale in comparison to being there....
I have almost 200 pix to sort thru....this on'es going to take a while....so please be patient....
My favorite picture from the weekend....an example of the comraderie,fun, and friendship we all shared....
Stay tuned.....