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Author Topic: where are we headed?  (Read 2516 times)

Offline wingnut

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2010, 06:14:00 PM »
This year I hunted a friends ranch.  His son and a friend were hunting also.  At midday we compared notes.  I had seen 5-6 deer with a couple of nice bucks, coyote, coon and armidillos.  They told me they had seen nothing but had texted each other 50 times.

I guess I only get to go hunting a few times each year and would rather not be connected.

Mike Westvang

Offline xtrema312

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #41 on: January 01, 2010, 06:16:00 PM »
Technology is great.  Don't like it then don't use it.  I am sure there are a few on TG who went kicking and screaming into e-mail and the internet.  Now they are regulars on here.  Tech is not all bad.

I love my cell for emergency and after hunt communication.  Nice if you need dragging or tracking help, or to let the wife or hunting partner know what's up.  They can even find you by tracking your cell if something goes wrong.  Just try and find a pay phone if you need one.

I had a basic cell for 7 years, and I have never texted.  This year my company got me a new one with unlimited calling and technology.  I have a phone, internet, camera, video recorder, messaging, e-mail and texting.  I can watch a movie on stand or surf the net.  I don't, but it is nice to be able to make some business calls or return e-mail at break times when hunting to save on the work load when I get back or to keep things going so I can be gone longer.  I did make a couple calls from the stand this year to share the news of a deer down or send a pic of a really nice morning to someone who couldn't be out hunting to enjoy it.

On stand it turn off the ringer and the vibrator so I have it ready if I need to call or be found.  I am out to hunt, and I just want to set back and let things happen, pray, contemplate, relax, or just plain forget about everything and soak in nature. I don't have a problem with people and their technology on stand.  After all, how may of us used to take a book along to pass the time?  What is the difference?  I personally think that any distraction from the hunt takes away from the hunt and you miss out on just being there 100%.

As for me and videoing my hunts, I am hunting and don't want to bother with it.  I do like to have the camera and video camera now in the phone so I can get some pic's if I want.  They are not top quality, but nice for my hunting notes.  I hate dragging along a lot of extra stuff.  The phone is nice to have all those things along in a very small package, that I can drop into a pocket at a moments notice if need.  
Video of hunts is kind of two sided issue for me.  I think it is nice to see pic's and video of others hunting.  I like to see hunting of animals and areas I can't hunt or even visit.  It is a great way to share a hunt.  We do it by technology, and I don't think that takes away from anything.  The Indian used to send smoke signals, beat drums dance around the fire, and tell stories about the hunt.  It is just a different method now for those of us that are all spread out and can't set around the campfire.  However, to some extent I think hunting shows and videos have now caused the over commercialization of hunting and some unrealistic ideas about hunting.  We have had TV shows, and videos for a long time.  In the past I think it was sharing a hunt more and promoting hunting.  Now they seem to be about trophies and getting the big kill on camera while pushing the latest name brand equipment.  Everyone seems to be getting into the kill on camera thing.  It is really spreading now.  I think it is fine if it is just a little bonus thing with your hunt, but if you are all wrapped up in killing on camera you have lost something special, and you are taking a lot of others with you.
1 Timothy 4:4(NKJV)
For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving.

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Offline JGoemaat

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #42 on: January 01, 2010, 06:22:00 PM »
When we 3D shoot in the summer at the range, you loose 5pts. every time your wife calls on the cell phone...  :)

Offline pronghorn23

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #43 on: January 01, 2010, 07:04:00 PM »
I only use my cell for emergencies when hunting. Keep it on vibrate in a pack, sometimes even vibrate is too loud.

When not hunting I just use it to let my wife know when I'm leaving work or we use it for quick conversations if one is out (Can you pick this up?, etc.) I seem to use it less and less.

I don't know how to send a text, could care less about texting, and don't see the need for phones with internet, email, texting, and on and on. Camera feature can come in handy for taking a quick photo of something, but I bring my camera with anyways...takes better pictures.

Also, I don't know how someone can fully enjoy the outdoors and the experience while watching a manmade video screen and worrying about what everyone else is doing. (Just my personal opinion, not meant to point fingers or throw stones.)  :)  
My friend is a scoutmaster and he told me a story about all the scouts on a camping trip. They were all in their tents playing some sort of internet baseball game or something. One or two scouts in each tent playing against other scouts each in their own tent. All the tents in a circle.
I couldn't beleive it. I think I threw up in my mouth a little!  "[dntthnk]"  

I personally think all of this technology is more of a bad thing than a good thing. Kids glued to phones, tv's, tv's in cars, computers...each one with no substance...just mindless garbage.
Unfortunately a whole generation could be lost because their "feet are far removed from the Earth".

Again, just my opinions, not meant to cast stones...and coming from someone who says he was probably born a hundred years too late.


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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #44 on: January 01, 2010, 07:12:00 PM »
I carry one to the woods for emergencies ( mine not everyone elses). Its also my time piece incase by some freak of nature I actually shoot something I know when and how long I have to wait.

Some people are just totaly lost without it in their hand diddling with it. Take it from them and its like your standing on their oxygen hose or something, a little rediculous IMO.


Offline jsweka

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #45 on: January 01, 2010, 07:27:00 PM »
I'm kind of an odd-ball for my age group (I'm 35).  I just got my first cell phone three years ago, and that was because my wife was pregnant at the time. (Dang thing didn't work when her water broke!!!)  I have never sent a text message and don't understand why you would want to when it's easier simply to call and speak.  I do carry one while I'm in the woods for emergency purposes.  Not so much me, but my family.  My wife has called me a couple times while I've been on the stand because one of the kids was sick and needed to be taken to the doctor.  Other than that, I figure while I'm in the woods, that's my time, don't call me and don't bug me unless there is some sort of emergency.

I know a lot of people who use cell phones to aid in the hunt (e.g. call their buddy to let them know game is approaching).  There use to be, and maybe there still is, a law in PA prohibiting the use of radios to aid in the hunt.  I wonder if that extends to cell phones?

Offline Two Arrows

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #46 on: January 01, 2010, 07:27:00 PM »
I have a cell phone, I keep it on most of the time but rarely use it. It comes in handy to talk to my wife, or if my kids get sick at school I've been contacted with it. Or, if family members need to talk to me if they can't reach me at home or work, I use it for that too. But I don't just call somebody to yack at them for no reason. As far as texting, I'm no good at it and when I have tried to do it it takes me forever, so it is frustrating to me. I won't condemn anybody for doing it though, after all, we are here on our computers talking about hunting, so how is that so different than what the texters are doing?
TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline GingivitisKahn

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #47 on: January 01, 2010, 07:38:00 PM »
I've got no problem with it.  Have had to attend meetings (via conference call) and deal with system situations (via BlackBerry email, etc.) while on the hunt.  I'd rather not have to do that but it's better (IMO) to use the technology than miss the hunt altogether.

The meetings are actually kind of funny.  Coworkers know what's going on when I'm whispering on the call and they almost always laugh and start whispering back.  Learned the hard way to keep the volume on my headset down tho.  Does heard my meeting and were not amused.

As far as texting hunt details while I'm out - I rarely do that and then it's usually to taunt a buddy who I know to be stuck inside at work. :-p

Offline Mike Spaulding

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #48 on: January 01, 2010, 07:48:00 PM »
Interesting to see everyone's take on this, I never really thought of it as a negative.  My brother in law and I text back and forth on occasion while on stand to check up on each other, and let each other know how we're doing.  REALLY helps pass the time on all day sits during rut.  I just keep my phone on vibrate and silence everything so there's no beeps and boops..

Offline J-dog

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #49 on: January 01, 2010, 08:01:00 PM »
Whatever floats your boat? Cell phone to me is for one thing - My family to contacty me in an emergency. I am not into all the texting from a phone stuff. Just cant figure how kids can do that so quickly?>?

Anyway one mans desires or beliefs differ from anothers. Whatever makes you happy go for it (as long as legal and lawful, I might add).

Always be stubborn.

Captain hindsight to the rescue!

Offline Zbearclaw

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #50 on: January 01, 2010, 08:10:00 PM »
Two days ago I shot a shorvid of three turkeys fighting here in Ga.  I showed it to my boys and they watched it 15 or more times yesterday

I got an iPhone for Christmas from my inlaws but shot it on my regular digital camera hat does 30 mins of video.

My boys are too young to hunt big game but their interest in being in the woods, not just being successful in the hunt is peaked every time I show them things like that.
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Offline SMA

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #51 on: January 01, 2010, 08:13:00 PM »
Don't know how to text. Plan to keep it that way.


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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #52 on: January 01, 2010, 08:14:00 PM »
I was like most of you and my wife and kids said to get out of my box! Sometimes its a good thing to try new things for a change.   :saywhat:  

I love sitting in my stands or blinds and texting back in forth to several other Tradgang members in many different states and letting them no how the hunting is going and I love hearing how there hunt is going also.  :D  Pictures too.

To each his own and I for one am glad I tried them and use them all the time even at my old age.  ;)  

You really haven't hunted the old fashion way until you've done it from one of these Indian houses.(The Tipi) "Glenn ST. Charles"

Offline Lenny Stankowitz

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #53 on: January 01, 2010, 09:25:00 PM »
Discussing the evils of texting on an internet talk forum, which is basically texting where everyone can read it.


Gotta love it.

Offline Landshark160

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #54 on: January 01, 2010, 10:05:00 PM »
I enjoy doing self-video of my hunts.  For me, it adds a whole new level of challenge, having to run the camera(without getting busted) and still keep my wits about me when the time comes to make the shot.  There's also a greater sense of accomplishment when everything goes right.  

I'm only 35, but I know a time will come when memories will start to fade, and hopefully these videos will help me to re-live some of those special times of days gone by.

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Offline Bill Tell

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #55 on: January 01, 2010, 10:05:00 PM »
Here are my problems with it.

Hey hunter number one I have begun the drive.... I am coming up the ravine.... three deer are moving in front of me..... they should be near you in about 30sec.  LOL Hunter number two.

Or this one.  Vibrate, answer immediate pic from trail cam #12 on the west side of my food plot.  Look through scope and pow.

This scenario I could do right now today with existing technology.  Sitting in my truck drinking coffee looking at real time video on my phone.  Oh the deer are there now so I think I will stalk them while I remotely watch them with my phone so I know to circle to what ever side of the food plot they are on and so I can approach down wind.  If you have a lap top and a phone you can do this right now today.

We need to give some very serious thought as to what technology should be allowed in the field.  I foresee critical need for legislation banning certain tech gadgets from use during the open seasons in the fields.  I personally think that all form of trail cameras will have to be banned from use during the open seasons.  

I have said this before and have caught a lot of grief for the thought but I am becoming even more convinced of this as there is more and more technology being employed in the field.
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Offline Spectre

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #56 on: January 01, 2010, 10:08:00 PM »
No video for me, thats what the campfire is for.
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Offline recurve27128

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #57 on: January 01, 2010, 10:11:00 PM »
the replies have been fairly predictable IMO, but I find it interesting that few respondants stated what effects this technology will have on the future way of the sport we all love,I also wonder where we think this type of technology will take us in the future. Dave
dave brown

Offline barredfeather

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #58 on: January 02, 2010, 06:38:00 AM »
My wife and I both have cell phones since we drive a long distance to work....no texting.  Just found out after two years the ^%$$ thing takes pictures.  I maybe old fashioned, but I use a camera for that task.  Best use for cell phones is finding the wife in Wal-Mart.  I have hunted for 45 years without having one for emergency and I'm too old to change now....no way it is going to the woods with me.  

I still hold true to...."keep the wind in your face, the sun on your back and the graceful peace of the great outdoors in your heart."


Offline Bill Tell

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #59 on: January 02, 2010, 08:05:00 AM »
Originally posted by recurve27128:
the replies have been fairly predictable IMO, but I find it interesting that few respondants stated what effects this technology will have on the future way of the sport we all love,I also wonder where we think this type of technology will take us in the future. Dave
This is right to the point of my post above.  It will effect future laws and what we are able do in the field as I stated and we do need to think about it.
"I'm going to find my direction magnetically. " Eddie Vedder

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