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Author Topic: where are we headed?  (Read 4316 times)

Offline Two Arrows

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #80 on: January 02, 2010, 08:30:00 PM »
Originally posted by K.S.TRAPPER:
This thread cracks me up   :rolleyes:  

 All you guys complaining about cell phones and texting when you are all sitting in front of a much bigger phone right now texting to 22,000 other tradgangers all over the world   :readit:  

Tracy, I agree with you 100%! That's what I was trying to say in my post as well. Some can codemn technology, but yet here we all are communicating via the web, and that's just fine and dandy.   "[dntthnk]"
TGMM Family of the Bow

Offline pronghorn23

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #81 on: January 02, 2010, 08:41:00 PM »
The difference between cell phone/texting and Tradgang is I believe most of us are surfing the site from the comfort of our own homes (or while at work), not while sitting in a treestand or blind.

Plus were not sending messages to each other in relation to real-time game sightings and activity-for the most part.

And I'm not about to lug this laptop into the field so someone can PM me when something's heading my way  ;)  

This is one type of technology, cell phones/texting/videotaping are different types of technology that can perhaps have or lead to fair chase violations if used in certain ways.


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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #82 on: January 02, 2010, 09:15:00 PM »
Tradgang folks are much different than most when it comes to hunting and I very much doubt that any of them would use any illegal means to harvest any animals  :goldtooth:  

You really haven't hunted the old fashion way until you've done it from one of these Indian houses.(The Tipi) "Glenn ST. Charles"

Offline Landshark160

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #83 on: January 02, 2010, 09:40:00 PM »
I guess all the guys who are against videoing would be against photographing a kill too.   :rolleyes:

The benefits of a big broadhead are most evident when things go wrong. - CTS

Offline Don Stokes

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #84 on: January 03, 2010, 08:57:00 AM »
My goals have changed as I have matured as a hunter. I now value the experiences with my friends as highly as the kills, and when we hunt together we use our phones to stay in touch and update each other on sightings of game, heading in for lunch, etc. The ability to do this has increased our enjoyment significantly, and the safety factor has also become more important as we age. My hunting buddies are all 55-plus, and it's good to know that there's help available if we need it. Our wives are also glad that we are able to communicate from wherever we are.

On the other hand, there's a point of diminishing returns. Electronic devices hold the potential for abuse, if misused. Like everything else we deal with in our lives, some common sense is required.
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.- Ben Franklin

Offline Bill Tell

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #85 on: January 03, 2010, 10:39:00 AM »
Originally posted by Don Stokes:
My goals have changed as I have matured as a hunter. I now value the experiences with my friends as highly as the kills, and when we hunt together we use our phones to stay in touch and update each other on sightings of game, heading in for lunch, etc. The ability to do this has increased our enjoyment significantly, and the safety factor has also become more important as we age. My hunting buddies are all 55-plus, and it's good to know that there's help available if we need it. Our wives are also glad that we are able to communicate from wherever we are.

On the other hand, there's a point of diminishing returns. Electronic devices hold the potential for abuse, if misused. Like everything else we deal with in our lives, some common sense is required.
Well said.
"I'm going to find my direction magnetically. " Eddie Vedder

Offline Ia Hawkeye

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #86 on: January 03, 2010, 03:14:00 PM »
You beat me to it.In Iowa,a hunter cannot use a "radio" or cell phone etc. as a hunting aid. (frank, here comes a buck your way,etc.)

A hunter may carry one (as I do) in case of emergencies, etc.

Offline NightHawk

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Re: where are we headed?
« Reply #87 on: January 03, 2010, 06:43:00 PM »
I'll put my .02 cents in. I take my cell phone into the woods with me. I don't text while in my treestand or while hunting, I will text others that are hunting the same general area to see if they're allright or to let them know I'm on my way out. I also texted my wife after I killed my buck to let her in on my joy!! and accomplishment

   Videoing a hunt? I think it comes from the many outdooor television shows we have now. There are whole networks devoted to nothing but hunting and fishing. I don't think it's a bad thing. I think folks are trying to emulate thier heros/peers, or are hoping to turn thier passion for hunting into a carreer. To each his own, I guess but to me hunting isn't a spectator sport
1) Gen. 21:20
And God was with the lad, he grew, and he dwelt in the wilderness, and he became an archer
2)The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.
Thomas Jefferson

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