Just be THANKFUL That he want's to HUNT with you!!!!!
My oldest son Kevin hunted with me the first few years that he was old enough to hunt. 2 years with a 1967 Bear Grizzly,Then the 3rd year with my old Mikuta longbow that I had refinished for him and his name put on. Later that season,he was also old enough to gun hunt with his 16ga. Ithaca Deerslayer that my neighbor gave him before he passed away. He hunted for a few hour opening day,then spent the remainder of the day watching football with his grandfather. (My Dad was recouperating from a double hip replacement.) I asked him a few more times to go with me,but he always had something going on..... He did go to 2 of Shawn Leonard's JLMBHs with me and had the time of his life.
The following year I handed him money to go buy his hunting license and he told me that he didn't think that he was going hunting that year. He said that he didn't want to dissapoint me,but he found hunting "boring".....
Kevin was always a traditional shooter,and a very competative traditional 3-D shooter as well,with MANY trophies on his shelves. It just seems that hunting was not his "thing".....
Next year his younger brother Tyler will be old enough to hunt. We'll have to see what happens then.....